
Harney District Hospital 物理 and 体育疗法 offers a wide range of services for 住院病人 care at the hospital and outpatient care in home health and school settings. 我们还提供健康计划, which provides the opportunity to rehabilitate in a gym-like setting under a physical therapist’s direction.


  • Astym疗法
  • 身体康复
  • 前庭神经疗法
  • 机械诊断与治疗(腰颈疼痛)
  • 家庭保健服务
  • 运动损伤门诊
  • 婴儿运动缺陷的护理




克丽丝桑德斯, MPT, ATC, McKenzie和ASTYM认证

克丽丝桑德斯 co-manages the Harney District Hospital (HDH) 物理 and 体育疗法 Department. 虽然他来自博伊西, 爱达荷州, Kris has been providing physical therapy services to Harney County residents since 1997.

克里斯开始了他的10bet十博体育,在多个环境中提供护理, 包括门诊, 住院病人, 家庭健康. He also worked in the school district with children who have special needs. 尽管他为各种诊断/病症提供护理, Kris particularly enjoys working with patients who are dealing with neck and back pain. 他还热衷于老年护理和运动医学. As a certified athletic trainer, Kris has provided sideline-injury care during local football games. 他也是认证的McKenzie治疗师和ASTYM提供者. The McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy is an internationally researched and acclaimed system of assessment and management for spinal and extremity musculoskeletal disorders. Augmented Soft Tissue Mobilization (ASTYM) is an advanced form of rehabilitative treatment that promotes remodeling and regeneration of dysfunctional tissue.

Kris的主要目标是提供高质量的服务, one-on-one care and instruction to enable his patients to return to the activities that they enjoy.

Kris obtained a bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University and a master’s degree from St. 安布罗斯大学, and he hopes to gain further education and training in courses that are relevant to his patients’ needs.

He and his wife were drawn to Harney County because they loved the people and wanted to live a quieter, 简单的生活. 他们养育了五个女儿、两条狗和几只猫. 多年来, Kris has stayed involved in the community by coaching middle school and high school girls’ basketball teams. In his spare time, Kris enjoys 钓鱼 and spending time with his wife, children, and grandchildren.

Ty Volle裁剪

Ty Volle, DPT, ATC, ASTYM认证

泰·沃尔(Ty Volle)共同管理HDH物理和运动治疗部门. Originally from Marsing, 爱达荷州, Ty moved to Harney County when he was 8 years old. He grew up on a ranch outside of Crane, Oregon and graduated from Crane Union High School.

他后来进入了东俄勒冈大学, 他在哪里获得体育与健康学士学位, 以运动训练为重点的. During his tenure at Eastern Oregon University, Ty became certified as an Athletic Trainer in 2002. 泰在北达科他州大学继续他的学业, 他在2006年获得了物理治疗博士学位.

Ty said he enjoys the challenge of helping people regain their life and return to previous activities that pain and injury have limited.

他于2006年加入HDH物理和运动治疗. 尽管他们都在俄勒冈州东部长大, 泰和他的妻子只打算在哈尼县呆两年. However, they grew to love the area more and more each year and decided to stay. Ty said he is particularly attracted to Harney County’s wide-open spaces, 丰富的户外活动, 自由漫游, 以及社区意识. 泰是三个孩子的父亲,喜欢打猎, 野营, 钓鱼, 参加体育运动, 业余时间还会骑沙石自行车. 他在大学参加十项全能比赛, 在高中当了五年田径教练, 目前是一支旅行篮球队的教练, 中学田径队, 还有中学越野队.



Athletic Trainer Kaitlin帕特森 joined HDH 物理 and 体育疗法 in 2023. 凯特琳在俄勒冈州的福里斯特格罗夫长大并上学. She moved to Harney County after marrying her husband, who is from the area.

高中毕业后, Kaitlin attended George Fox University and received her bachelor’s degree in health and human performance fitness management. She then received her master’s in athletic training from Pacific University.

凯特琳喜欢为哈尼县的学生运动员服务, 并且喜欢与社区建立关系. She likes that her job allows her to be part of something bigger and continue her engagement with athletics. Kaitlin also appreciates the opportunity to bridge gaps between community members and the hospital.

When she’s not working, Kaitlin likes to spend time outdoors with her family.


物理 Therapist Assistant Anna Cronin joined HDH 物理 and 体育疗法 in 2016. Anna grew up in Harney County and graduated from Burns High School in 2005.

高中毕业后, 她在西俄勒冈大学继续她的学业, 获得运动科学学士学位. 后来,她获得了麻省理工学院的应用科学副学士学位. Hood 社区 College, becoming a certified physical therapist assistant.

After college, Anna moved back to Harney County to be closer to her family and friends. She said her favorite thing about Harney County is the people who live here, and she truly enjoys seeing her patients (both former and current) around town. 在她的业余时间, 安娜在打猎, 徒步旅行, 运行, 烘焙, 和她的丈夫和儿子在一起. She said Harney County is a great place to raise a family, and she loves the small-town lifestyle.


杰米Rusow, PTA

物理 Therapist Assistant 杰米Rusow joined HDH 物理 and 体育疗法 in 2022. Jamie grew up in Bieber, California, but her family hails from Harney County.

Jamie attended the University of Oregon and received a bachelor’s degree in psychology. 她最初在医疗保健行业工作,是一名注册护理助理, 打算申请护理专业. However, after being hired as a rehab aide, Jamie decided therapy was a better fit. She then attended Lane 社区 College and received her 物理 Therapist Assistant associate degree.

Jamie and her family moved to Harney County because they wanted to live in a small town with good family values, 他们享受户外活动的机会. Jamie appreciates getting to know people in the community and serving patients in a more personal way. She also enjoys the variety in her treatment caseloads and working with a department that is team oriented and supportive. Jamie’s favorite part of her work is getting to help people regain their independence and maintain a better quality of life for as long as possible.

In her free time, Jamie enjoys coaching, trail 运行, 钓鱼, hunting, rockhounding, and 野营.